One of the secrets of integration

The other day, I had a conversation with a woman I met. I asked her a couple of questions, and she started to tell me her story. She is not originally from Norway, and her Norwegian is not yet flawless. Sometimes it is hard to understand everything she is saying, but my heart had no problems understanding her heart. Stories communicate with more than just words. When someone opens up and tell me their story, I see them. The words, however imperfect they may be, are connected to feelings, and I find time and again that when someone is sharing their story, my compassion is awaken, and I have a taste of their feelings. This compassion is what brings us together as humans. No other tool can help us more in integration, communication and cultural cooperation. When I understand you, I cease to be afraid of you. I start to love you, care for you and treat you as my friend. People who feel loved and befriended are much less likely to be violent and hateful. So in this time of fear for terrorism, let us be willing to listen to each others stories. It may be one of the best weapons we have.


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